Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Last 6 Blogs shortened

Summary of Our Last 6 Blogs

By 2030, food and energy demand will increase by 50%, fresh water by 30%

Food and agriculture use 70% of water collected from rivers and groundwater, half of this lost to evaporation, half absorbed for plant growth.

Water is major in the energy production energy, from the hydroelectric dams to making use of the change of level in tides.

On Average thermoelectric power withdraw 39% of total withdrawn freshwater in 2000

Water use for thermoelectricity increases over the years.

Irrigation fed water provide 45% of world’s food supplies, irrigation is currently drawing water at rate that is not sustainable.

Of 70% studied cities, half of urban agricultural land irrigated with waste water, creating health risks in the grown food esp in vegetables, cereals, rice

Only 1 percent of water is available for human use, 97.5 percent is salty, most fresh water is frozen, yet studies show careful control of our future actions can prevent a water crisis.

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