- Cars with soy based bio fuels use 6000 times more water than conventional fuel
- One barrel of oil from the Alberta tar sands consumes 185 cubic feet of water, 4400 lbs of soil, 700-1200 cubic feet of natural gas, and produces 170 lbs of greenhouse gases
- An average American home draws 370 000 gallons of water and consumes another 15 000 if fueled from a coal plant
- Carbon capture technology (removing carbon from the atmosphere) requires energy. Even with methods consuming low amounts of water, it would still increase demands 40-50% by 2030 (80% if coal fueled)
- In 2005, the Energy Bill exempted natural gas drillers from following EPA guidelines including disclosing the use of chemicals under the Safe Drinking Water Act
- Solar Thermal Plants draw 98% less water, however, consume 85-270% more
- Wind power consumes less than 2 gallons of water per Megawatt-hour of production, saving the American Wind Energy Association 20 billion gallons of water in 2009
- The output of the Hoover Dam in 1999 was 5.5 billion kilowatt hours, in 2009 this dropped to 3.7
- Nuclear steam turbines that use a closed loop stream system (this essentially is recycling water consumed by cooling it and putting it back in the system) save up to 58,900 gallons of water usage.
- By 2050, energy usage will increase 40% according to the US Energy Information Agency
Post by Monty de Luna on November 8, 2010
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